Management Courses​

Leadership and Team Building

This course provides training in the following techniques:

  • Team forming
  • Process flow charting
  • Brainstorming
  • Check sheets
  • Pareto, histogram, run, and control charting techniques
  • Stratification
  • Cause-and-effect and scatter diagrams
  • Force field analysis.

The most important asset of any organization is its employees. Thus it is imperative that this resource be used most efficiently and economically. This course uses a case format to develop a teaming relationship with practical objective and specific results.

This workshop involves teaming to solve a manufacturing production problem. The problem will require the participants to use teaming techniques to evaluate the problems in the production area, and develop solutions. Participants will gain a working knowledge of line charts, Pareto diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, force field analysis, and multi-voting. At the conclusion of the workshop, the team members will have used these tools to diagnose and come to an agreement on a course of corrective action. The purpose of the exercise is to teach teaming tools and demonstrate to the participants that a plan of action can come out of teaming.

Prerequisites: None

Length of Class: 3 Class days

Facilitator Training

The success of groups and teams depends on many things—the leadership qualities of the designated team leader, the knowledge, skills and attitude of the individual team members, and the support the group or team receives from senior management. But equally important are the skills and abilities of a trained facilitator. This course is designed to give the student those skills and abilities as well as an opportunity to practice those skills in a classroom environment where there is little risk of failure.

Prerequisites: None

Length of Class: 2 Class days