Quality Surveillance Courses​

Monitoring and Measuring Contractor Performance

The Government contracts out for delivery of many supplies and services. Providing these supplies and services requires a contractor to engage in processes that must be measurable. There must be a degree that is acceptable and a degree that is unacceptable. The degree of acceptability will then be used to determine if the contractor has met its contractual obligation. This course provides the methodologies for establishing a degree of acceptability and unacceptability of a product.
Prerequisites: None

Length: 2 Class Days

Understanding and Using ISO 9000

The ISO 9000 series is a set of five individual, but related, international standards on quality management and quality assurance. They are generic, not specific to any particular products. They can be used by manufacturing and service industries alike. These standards were developed to effectively document the quality system elements to be implemented in order to maintain an efficient quality system in a company. The ISO 9000 Series standards do not themselves specify the technology to be used for implementing quality system elements.

This course of instruction provides the user with guidelines for selection and use of ISO 9001, 9002, 9003, and 9004. ISO 9001, 9002, and 9003 are quality system models for external quality assurance. ISO 9004 provides guidelines for internal use by a producer developing its own quality system to meet business needs and take advantage of opportunities.

Prerequisites: None

Length: 1 Class Days

ISO 9000, Internal Auditor Training

Increasingly, contractors are being certified to an ISO 9000 standard. It is imperative that customers and contractors have trained personnel that can audit the process to ensure that it remains in compliance with this standard. A trained internal auditor will understand auditing procedures, such as planning and accomplishing audits, and the development of checklists. To ensure that they recognize continuous improvement opportunities, auditors are also trained in the steps involved in pre-audit and post-audit visits to the contractor’s site. This course provides the tools necessary to audit a contractor’s processes. Attendees will receive instruction in the auditing of the three ISO standards, ISO 9001, 9002, and 9003.

Who Should Attend: This course is intended for personnel who will be responsible for the implementation of the ISO series or for the auditing of the standards.

Prerequisites: None

Length of Class: 4 days

Class Format: Course format will include lecture and student participation activities such as role playing and brainstorming through the use of case studies, and auditing sample quality manuals and quality procedures.